Our “Bio” Philosophy
Sustainable viticulture that preserves the land for future generations, reconnecting people with nature.
Why drink b.io?
Choosing b.io’s organic wine means selecting a good wine: good in terms of taste, good for the environment, and good for people.
Drinking b.io means bringing to tables all over the world a pure expression of Italy’s terroir:
a bottle that contains within it ethical vine-growing practices and a renewed, responsible approach to wine production and consumption.
Drinking b.io signifies
a long-term commitment:
every sip of our wines celebrates
the delicate balance of our ecosystemz
and bears witness to
our constant efforts to preserve it.
Our manifesto
We believe in b.io’s Green Evolution:
“b” as in buono e bene (“good and well”),
“io” (“I/me”) meaning that each one of us
should be at the centre of our own decisions
and choose good things
that are also good for the environment.

We embrace a large-scale project in which people,
the land and wine coexist in perfect harmony.
We believe that organic farming
is not only a technique, but also – and especially –
a way of being and living.
We bring together nature and the future to create – all together – a new course for Italian vine-growing, which is more informed and responsible.
Ours is rational viticulture, based on good sense, which respects our own wellbeing, that of others, and that of the generations that will come after us.
In our vision, the values of sustainability, quality and typically Italian character are linked to the vine in the same way as its shoots.

For this reason, we are committed to producing wines that are healthy and good,
both in taste and for the environment: authentic expressions of conviviality and pleasure
that convey the Italian lifestyle and its rich history and culture.
Because, after all, we – every day –
principally cultivate a great passion:
for life, for our work, for a good and ethical product,
for the wellbeing and joy of every one of us.
And you, are you one of us?
Organic Certification
The b.io project is based on two essential principles: sustainability and certification.
b.io’s wines are certified in accordance with EU Regulation 848/2018 by CCPB.

The wines
b.io offers Italy and the world a sophisticated selection of the finest Italian organic wines. Discover our range and find out about our commitment to sustainable, high-quality production.
Green Evolution
b.io’s mission revolves around the concept of Green Evolution, constantly stimulating research and improvements that are oriented towards a future based on all-round sustainability.